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Accessible Customer Service Feedback

Suggestions and Complaints

Thank you for visiting the Municipality of South Huron. We value all of our visitors and strive to meet everyone’s needs. 


Did we respond to your customer service needs today?
Was our customer service provided to you in an accessible manner?
Did you have any problems accessing our goods and services?
Overall, I was satisfied with the amount of time it took to get the service/product.
Overall, I was satisfied with the ease of accessing the service/product.
Staff were knowledgeable.
I was satisfied with the overall quality of the service/product delivered.
Would you like a representative to follow up with you regarding your feedback?


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We work hard to ensure that everyone can access the information and services they need.

For information in alternative formats or assistance accessing information, please contact the Municipal Office at 519-235-0310. 

© 2020 The Municipality of South Huron, 322 Main Street South P.O. Box 759 Exeter, ON N0M 1S6